Monday, February 23, 2009

How belief in God changes dream interpretation

Dreams can be quite intense, and many often wonder about the meaning of their dreams. Researchers have been trying to figure out dreams for decades. I found a quote by Carey Morewedge, assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University and the leader of a new scientific study on dreams, quite interesting:
'People attribute meaning to dreams when it corresponds with their pre-existing beliefs and desires. This was also the case in another experiment which demonstrated that people who believe in God were likely to consider any dream in which God spoke to them to be meaningful; agnostics, however, considered dreams in which God spoke to be more meaningful when God commanded them to take a pleasant vacation than when God commanded them to engage in self-sacrifice,' she explains. (Softpedia)

It's definitely easier to follow God's command when it involves pleasure for us. He has plans for our lives, and we are to follow his command even if it's difficult.

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