Monday, March 23, 2009

When something is stolen from us, release

It's not uncommon for disputes to occur among deer hunters over hunting boundaries and who shot the buck. Bob Hendrickson wrote in the Journal-Pilot about an experience that he had a few years ago. Hendrickson shot at a buck, which then proceeded to go onto another property owner's land. He therefore was not able to go after the buck.

The next morning he asked the property owner if he could hunt on his land, and the property owner agreed. Hendrickson found a trail of blood -- meaning that he had originally shot the deer -- which then led to a pile of guts. Someone had taken the buck! He was filled with anger and rage, until God spoke to him:
Then God spoke to my heart. He asked if I had forgotten all the successful hunts he had blessed me with? What about all the deer God had provided me with and the wonderful hunting experiences? It was not my place to hold bitterness and I needed to let it go and leave it with God. In short I had to forgive those that had stolen from me and go on.

It is so easy for us to focus on the negative and the things that aren't right. At times, we just need to let go and focus on God.

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