Monday, August 3, 2009

The death of a child bringing glory to God

On. pp. 137-138 of "Starting Well: Building a Strong Foundation for a Lifetime of Ministry," there is a sad story about a man who was a pastor and had a sick daughter. He had heard from God, who said that He was going to use the man's daughter to bring glory to His name. The daughter died.
...God uses situations, like his daughter's death, to shape his leaders. God was shaping him. He said that on the day she died, he remembered something that we had said in September about responding to God in a crisis. He chose to go deep with God. He knows that God is with him in the pain. God is providing strength for him. He is experiencing God's love in a new way.

At the end of our conversation, he said one thing that I'll never forget. He said, 'God was right when He said that He was going to receive glory through my daughter. At the time that God told me that, I thought He was talking about healing my daughter. I didn't realize that God was talking about my response to Him in this situation. My choosing to embrace the pain and to embrace God (going deep with God) is the means God is using to receive glory. My response in this situation is speaking louder than any words I've ever preached about God.' We embraced again and I was deeply moved.

This story is about the power of perspective. This precious pastor chose to embrace God and learn about Him. The situation that the pastor and his family are facing together is tragic and it hurts. He said that he (and his family) were still in the process of grieving her loss. We don't understand why God allows certain things to happen. But when we face crisis situations or difficult and challenging situations, we must respond. We can go deep into God or we can turn from Him.

This story reminds me of my friends, Tom and Deb Henderson, who lost their son Ian this year. I have heard stories of people finding God through seeing their response to the tragic situation.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant,
    Thank you for your posting.

    I'm thankful that God uses painful events in our lives for His purposes - if it was useless that would really stink. James MacDonald says, "God's love is not a pampering love it's a perfecting love." When I look at the Model and then look in the mirror I shudder...but I'm convinced that surrendering my life to Him is a road for temporary pain - longterm gain.

    Thanks so much for the encouragement!

    Love, deb

