Monday, January 23, 2012

Theme of the year

In a recent letter, author John Eldredge outlined how he starts out each year. (Hint:  It's not with New Year's resolutions.)

Eldredge asks Jesus, What is the theme of this year, Lord? Here's what Eldredge has to say:
I do this every January 1st, and it has proven a mighty rescue many times over. Usually Jesus will say one simple thing. Three years ago it was, 'Love.' And all through the year, I found myself needing to return to the simple truth of love. It helped to orient me; it helped me to interpret things. Two years ago it was, 'Restoration,' and that proved to be the year I took a short sabbatical and sought the restoration I needed. Last year it was, 'My glory,' and wow -- it was the year of Beautiful Outlaw and I could say a hundred things about how 'My glory' proved true. So ask Jesus, What is the theme of this year, Lord? And when he speaks, write it down! Post it somewhere you will see it often. In very big letters.
So, what is the theme of 2012 for you?

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