Sunday, April 15, 2012

The last thing Jesus said

I receive a monthly letter from John Eldredge of Ransomed Heart. The message of the most recent letter from Eldredge was "slow down":
As I was praying this morning about what we all needed in this month's letter, Jesus replied with a question: What is the last thing I said to you?

It wasn't meant to imply, Write about what I said to you this morning. Rather, Jesus was raising the issue of staying with him, staying with the words he gives to us. As in, Do you even remember the last thing I said to you? Let me explain why.

Every time I fire up my phone or computer, there's another notice: 'Software updates available' (there's a new one staring at me even now). And so I go through the rigamarole of updating this or that aspect of my system, or of some sweet little program I have that makes me feel cool and on top of things. Updates. Now, sure -- we all want to keep things running smoothly. But there is something about the number and frequency of these 'updates' that screams about the world in which we live.

The world is obsessed with the new, the latest, the next thing. Gimme the update. Obsessed.
Eldredge recommends slowing down our pace of life. When God speaks to you, record it somewhere so you can follow through on His word. . .and remember the last thing He said.

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