Friday, November 9, 2007


I recently had an out-of-body experience that convicted me of my wrongs and showed me the path that I should take. I was sitting at my kitchen table with my wife and my son, started not feeling too well, and zoned out.

I then saw an image of the three of us sitting at the kitchen table, and I could see the impact that my temper has had on my family over the years. In my wife I saw extreme sadness. In my son, I could see that he had a mix of emotions and couldn't identify his feelings except for the anger that he felt.

I realized then and there that I need to fully love and accept myself and my family. I was convicted that if I do not change my behavior, I would be throwing away the greatest gift that God ever gave to me. It all starts with self-love. I deserve love, because God is love. And my family deserves my love.

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